
David Parsons names Cabinet team

Following the AGM of Leicestershrie County Council on 23rd May 2012, David Parsons names his new Cabinet team for 2012/13

Listening to Leicestershire

David Parsons on why Cabinet withdrew a report on home to school transport policy and changes to concessionary travel schemes

David Parsons: Why I beat the drum putting Leicestershire First

I am very proud of the Conservative record in Leicestershire. Whilst the opposition parties led by Max Hunt and Simon Galton (I mention Max Hunt first, as it was he who bounced the Lib Dems into scraping together enough signatures for his motion to Council on the 18th April) are falling about themselves engineering political stunts, all this will achieve is to send out the wrong signals to those who view Leicestershire as a good place to do business.

Putting Leicestershire First

Whistlestop Tour of local industries by County Leader David Parsons "Putting Leicestershire First."   County Council leader David Parsons has been visiting three local and highly successful businesses in Leicestershire.